Obrasci i potvrde
Imenik stranih ovlaštenih inženjera elektrotehnike

Ovdje možete preuzeti potrebne obrasce za priznavanje inozemne stručne kvalifikacije i upis u Imenik stranih ovlaštenih inženjera elektrotehnike. Obrasci su dostupni u PDF i Word formatima radi lakšeg ispunjavanja.



Dana 1. rujna 2021. stupila je na snagu UREDBA O TARIFI UPRAVNIH PRISTOJBI  (NN 92/2021)

Temeljem navedene uredbe više nije potrebno priložiti “Dokaz o uplati 70 kn upravne pristojbe”, dakle, uz zahtjeve se više ne prilažu biljezi RH niti potvrda o uplati na Državni proračun RH.



Here you can download the necessary forms for the recognition of foreign professional qualifications and registration in the Register of Foreign Licensed Electrical Engineers. The forms are available in PDF and Word formats for easier completion.



On September 1, 2021, the Regulation on Administrative Fees (NN 92/2021) came into effect.

Based on this regulation, it is no longer required to submit "Proof of payment of the 70 HRK administrative fee." Therefore, no stamps or payment confirmations to the Croatian State Budget need to be attached to the applications.


Tel: +385 1 5508 444
Fax: +385 1 5508 441
MB: 2538903
OIB: 31185646618
ZABA: HR7823600001102094148
Ulica grada Vukovara 271/III
10 000 Zagreb, Hrvatska